Friday, October 3, 2008

'Yak Attack

ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS COASTAL CAROLINA day. I have a gut feeling that this wording will appear in this blog to the point of distraction (or annoyance, your choice). So, I've come up with a solution. AGCC. Yes, folks, the newest word (or in this case, acronym) for the Do you anjuu? blog is AGCC.

Guess what? Yes, today was an AGCC! So much so that the husband and I were 'driven' to be outside and on the water. I am amazed that we have the good fortune to enjoy a 'yak outing before most people show up to work. We are in the boats by 7 AM-ish and back on the porch eating breakfast by 9.

Although our beloved ospreys have migrated, we are not at loss for wildlife. Three blue herons were sighted within the first 10 minutes of our trip. (Can you spot one in the first picture? Look closely for a darker lump in the sky.) Then, we 'yakked (literally) right into a huge flock of mighty chatty song birds, who then lead us to a deer taking an early morning drink out of the river. Although the wildlife is amazing, the flora puts on a pretty good show too.

Another truly amazing day!

1 comment:

Simpatico said...

You mean the 'shadow' that looks like something with huge wing span? Love the fog on the water.